More effective together
Our vision highlights cooperation and reflects continuous development.

Together we are more effective
Our vision is to be more effective together. Our vision highlights cooperation and reflects continuous development. Shared choices and clear goals and objectives steer our operations. We promote joint development and cooperation with our strategic stakeholders. Effectiveness is a prerequisite for success and competitiveness as well as an enabler of change. Effectiveness obliges Palkeet to engage in systematic, insightful and committed operations.
Our values
Our day-to-day activities are guided by values and shared work methods, mutual respect and trust. Enthusiastic and skilled employees support our success. We operate in an agile manner in a changing operating environment and develop our activities and competence together. This combination makes it possible for us to realise our vision.

Palkeet plays an important role as an enabler – strategy for 2024-2026
The foundation of our operations is providing financial and HR services under all circumstances. We promote the functionality of public administration by providing high-quality and cost-efficient expert services in the fields of financial and HR administration. We trust technology, promote automation and also operate during exceptional circumstances. The ways in which we and our customers work are changing. We lead the way and support our customers in the change process. Our operating environment places an emphasis on responsibility, continuity and preparedness for future changes. Our skilled and thriving personnel play the key role in the implementation of our foundation.

Harmonisation of operating models
We develop the processes in cooperation with our customers in order to enhance end-to-end operations. The changes made to operating models and the uniform practices established as a result of the harmonisation and development of processes will both allow us to serve our customers more broadly and facilitate benefits from the centralisation of operations. During this strategy period, we will focus on the harmonisation and development of the central government’s HR processes in particular.

Centralisation of services
Our goal is to centralise the central government financial and HR administration services to Palkeet in order to facilitate savings and digitalisation. Through this centralisation, we will ensure shared practices and processes, which will increase quality and cost efficiency. This will reduce the FTE needs at the state level. The development and expansion of our services is guided by the central government’s policies, our customers’ needs and the development of technologies. Our services are user-oriented, and we develop them together with our customers as part of customer work.

Digital financial and HR administration
We make use of the opportunities provided by the development of technologies, automation and artificial intelligence in developing our operations. We identify the areas where technology benefits our customers and us the most. The centralisation of services to Palkeet facilitates broader use of the solutions offered by technology, such as increasing automation.
Equality and non-discrimination
We have prepared an equality and non-discrimination plan to support the achievement of strategic goals and promote good governance and work well-being. We want to provide a workplace that ensures everyone’s well-being, continued successes and the achievement of the set goals. We monitor and measure the fulfilment of the plan each year and take necessary measures. Promoting equality and non-discrimination is the right and responsibility of each Palkeet employee.