Accessibility policy

Accessibility policy for the website

Sivusta otettu kuva henkilöstä, joka työskentelee kannettavalla tietokoneella.

This accessibility policy pertains to the website, which is the responsibility of the Finnish Government Shared Services Centre for Finance and HR (Palkeet). The policy was created on 8 August 2024 and it has been updated on 21 August 2024. The accessibility assessment is based on user testing and self-assessment.

The Finnish Government Shared Services Centre for Finance and HR Palkeet aims to ensure the accessibility of the website in accordance with the Act on the Provision of Digital Services (306/2019).

Accessibility of the website

This online service meets accessibility requirements partially (WCAG 2.1 criteria, A and AA levels).

Non-accessible content

Content not covered by legislation:

  • The website contains files for office programs that have been published before 23 September 2018.
  • Social media accounts have video or audio recordings released before 23 September 2020.

The following content and/or functions do not meet the requirements:

Files may lack text alternatives

Files may contain visual elements and diagrams that lack text alternatives.

The following accessibility requirements are not met: WCAG 1.1.1 Non-text content (A).

There may be shortcomings in file formatting

Files may have shortcomings, such as empty line breaks and header levels may not be marked. There may be gaps in the metadata of files, such as missing headings.

The following accessibility requirements are not met: WCAG 1.3.1 Info and relationships (A).

Photos and videos of social media posts may have shortcomings

LinkedIn and Instagram accounts of Palkeet have photos that lack an alternative description, as well as videos with no subtitles.

The following accessibility requirements are not met: WCAG 1.1.1 Non-text content (A), 1.2.2 Captions – Prerecorded (A).

Feedback and contact information

You can give feedback on the accessibility of the website via the form available on the site.

In the event that you notice issues related to accessibility on the website, first submit feedback to us, the service administrators. We will respond to you as soon as possible or within a maximum of two weeks.

Monitoring authority

If you are not satisfied with the response or do not receive one within two weeks, you can send a notification to the Regional State Administrative Agency of Southern Finland. The agency’s website provides details on how to submit the notification and how the matter will be processed.

Contact information for the monitoring authority

Regional State Administrative Agency of Southern Finland
Accessibility monitoring unit
Telephone exchange +358 (0)295 016 000

Additional information

The website was published on 8.2.2024, and its content is updated and supplemented continuously.

We train our personnel to produce the service in an accessible way and we monitor the state of the site’s accessibility.