
Palkeet comprises eight units.

Palkeet units

Palkeet is headed by Managing Director Tuija Kuivalainen.

  • Financial services: Minna Korpela, Director
  • HRM services: Soile Röppänen, Director
  • HRD services: Mari Eerikäinen, Director
  • Customers, services and quality Kirsi-Marja Kauppinen, Director
  • Services for limited company and corporate customers: Tuomas Watia, Director
  • ICT services: Juha Koljonen, Director
  • Development: Helena Lappalainen, Director
  • Cloud services: Kati Willman, Project Director,
  • Business support: Tuija Kuivalainen, Managing Director

Management group

Palkeet’s management, development, preparatory work and coordination efforts are supported by the service centre’s management group.

  • Tuija Kuivalainen, Managing Director
  • Mari Eerikäinen, Director, HR and communications
  • Helena Lappalainen, Director, Development
  • Juha Koljonen, Director, ICT services
  • Kirsi-Marja Kauppinen, Director, Customers, services and quality
  • Minna Korpela, Director, Financial services
  • Soile Röppänen, Director, HR services
  • Kati Willman, Project Director, Cloud services
  • Tuomas Watia, Director, Limited company and corporate services

Employee representatives and, if necessary, experts also take part in management group meetings.

Customer committee

Palkeet’s customer committee is a key facilitator of cooperation between customers and the Service Centre. The customer committee provides customer perspectives for the further development of existing services, operating models and systems and for creating and developing new services

Members of the customer committee (term 1 January 2024–31 December 2026):

  • Riitta Rosenberg, Financial Manager, Ministry of Transport and Communications
  • Risto Hakoila, Financial Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
  • Katri Järvinen, Accounting Manager, The Finnish Defence Forces
  • Tommi Kämpe, Director of Administration, Tax Administration
  • Tiina Lundgren, Financial Manager, The Finnish Border Guard
  • Heikki Korhonen, Head of Human Resources, Arts Promotion Centre Finland
  • Riikka Mäki, Director, HR, expertise and legal, Geological Survey of Finland
  • Mia Nykopp, Director of Administration and Finance, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
  • Meri-Tuulia Pitkänen, Head of Financial Unit, Prime Minister’s Office
  • Kati Pärnänen, Head of Human Resources Unit, Ministry of Justice
  • Margit Ranta, Controller, Finnish Food Authority
  • Heidi Sederholm, Human Resources Manager, Ministry of the Environment

Employee representatives and, if necessary, experts also take part in management group meetings.

Personal deputy members are not appointed for members. The composition of the committee can be supplemented later as the customer base develops and expands.

Presenting officers:

  • Tuija Kuivalainen, Managing Director, Palkeet
  • Kirsi-Marja Kauppinen, Director, Palkeet (secretary)
  • Minna Korpela, Director, Palkeet
  • Soile Röppänen, Director, Palkeet

Other Palkeet civil servants can also serve as presenting officers.